Political ideas developed in the 19th Century

Varun Ladha
2 min readSep 19, 2021

In the 19th century, there was a rapid change in society after the French Revolution. The idea of liberty and democratic rights were discussed and debated among people in many European countries.

Three groups formed on the basis of ideologies

Liberals wanted a radical change in society such as :

· Nation tolerant to all religion

· Opposed Dynastic rule

· Safeguard rights of individuals against government

· Independent Judiciary from rulers and officials

· Parliamentary Government

· Right to vote to one having property

· No voting rights for women

Radicals wanted a radical change in society such as :

· Government based on the majority of a country’s population

· Supported women suffaragette

· No private property and concentration of property in the hands of few

Conservatives believed that change should be a gradual process. They did want any major change in society but accepted the inevitable changes.

Thus these three Liberals, Radicals, and Conservatives groups developed in the 19th century had a great impact on the social, political, and economic changes in history, and still, the society is grouped into such groups based on different idealogy.

